A trusted resource for fun & inclusive SEL based storytime for kids ages 3-8in both English and Español!
New episodes uploaded weekly and live storytime events bimonthly so join our mailing list and find us on your favorite streaming platforms!
¡Un recurso confiable para la diversión e inclusión basada en SEL para niños de 3 a 8 años tanto en inglés como en español!
¡Nuevos episodios subidos semanalmente y eventos de cuentos en vivo bimestralmente! ¡Únete a nuestra lista de correo y encuéntranos en tus plataformas de streaming favoritas!
We believe all children have a voice and we encourage them to USE IT! By including our children in conversations about their world, we empower them with the ability to create empathy and true change for ALL.
We LOVE hearing from our amazing listeners and look forward to amplifying their voices and thoughts for the world to hear. Sharing the thoughts and views of our little listeners highlights how our stories impact their lives in a positive way and in return we receive a small window into their budding genius at work!
Some kids are born with a mic in their hand while others prefer to be behind the scenes and we have different levels of engagement to cater to all!
Our very special Storytime Voices guests have a choice of either:
introducing themselves and answering 3 simple questions about their favorite book
the above plus reading their favorite book as a guest host
reading their OWN story or book they’ve created all on their own and discussing their inspiration for their story
*This is a FREE and contactless experience - you & your child in the safety of your home by voice note via cellphone.
Storytime Voice-MAIL!
Love an episode that’s already aired? Love the podcast? Love a book you want on the podcast?
Call us and leave us a voicemail, letting us know why! We’ll share it on a future episode and just like storytime voices, your voice will be shared with the world!
In your voicemail, please leave the following details:
First Name, Age, Location, Story you liked and Why, What You Learned & Why it’s Important to You. Also, if you love the podcast, we’d love to hear it! (Grownups, that goes for you, too!)
Children are often underestimated in their ability to comprehend the truths of our world. If we ignore hard topics like racism, homelessness, food insecurity, and discrimination in an attempt to protect our children, we inadvertently condition our children to ignore these topics. This can leave them with an internal conflict about real world problems; ones they not only encounter daily, but will ultimately have to tackle in the future.
Children are innately empathetic; emotion, connection and engagement are the cornerstones of their development. Creating a continued dialogue with your children about the world, including its nuances and flaws, opens the door for empathy. Empathy then leads to inclusive problem solving which inspires change.
We believe that all children have the right to knowledge and the power to make a positive impact on this planet. Each of our expertly selected stories have been vetted and deemed safe and age appropriate.
Hippocampus Clubhouse is a Kids/Family genre based podcast for children that showcases stories of diversity, inclusion, and SEL based content. Target demographic is children between the ages of 3-7 and by proxy, their parents and caregivers aged 27-44.
While we can be found on all streaming platforms, the majority of our subscribers are through Apple Podcasts (57%) with Spotify (25%) the secondary source. This number is subject to change as Spotify is quickly becoming a top source for podcasts across the globe and by the end of 2021 , we saw an explosion of growth - an increase of listeners by 447%!
We are still growing monthly and are consistently ranked highly in all of Kids/Family Podcasts in both platforms for the United States, Canada and across Europe.