The Power of Podcasts

Its no secret I LOVE a good podcast. They, and audiobooks, have allowed me to expand my knowledge and a love of learning and introduced me to so many different points of view and the experiences of others I might not have had the time or interest for if I needed to sit and read about them.

I am also not the biggest fan of watching TV, which makes me a complete outlier in my own home. (I know, I'm weird, so be it.) So the fact that I can attain a wealth of knowledge, adventure and exploration while simultaneously running errands, cleaning the house, waiting in the pick up line, or even while making dinner with a sly but efficient airpod in my ear, just SPEAKS to my soul. 

Our kids are no different in seeking a world of excitement. While we as their caregivers are continuously looking for ways to find a balance to screentime, podcasts are surprisingly overlooked as an alternative to the ‘tube. Yet they offer just as much adventure if not more, thanks to their ability to expand our imaginations. 

But according to Monica Brady-Myerov, founder and chief executive of Listenwise, an educational website that helps students build listening skills, there may also be a hidden educational benefit. “You’re hearing all these great words and stories and sentences,” she said. “Whether kids know it or not, when they’re listening to a podcast they’re getting these critical listening skills.” And listening comprehension, in turn, has been shown to be a critical factor for kids who are learning to read.

There are so many occasions where podcasts fit seamlessly into our lives. For example:

  • on car trips, road trips or even to and from school or camp.

  • while cooking together, be it dinner prep, making pizza or even pancakes for weekend brunch bunch!

  • during art or crafting or building sessions.

  • on rainy days (or heat waves) when we spend longer than usual inside.

  • when our kids need down time but don't to want to read.

  • when our kids are unwell and lack energy, or when I am unwell (or tired or just burnt out) and my family wants a story.

  • just for fun in the playroom, often while tidying or cleaning.

  • winding down for bedtime…trust me, the bedtime story doesn't ALWAYS have to be read by you.

The magic of a podcast is that its impact can be grand despite its passive presence in your life. You can connect as a family over an episode and begin a dialogue over what you've heard (like we hope Hippocampus Clubhouse inspires you to do), or your children can explore a new area of interest all on their own and direct from their room.

Whether you want to zone out and relax, amp things up and energize, or learn and expand your family's knowledge and interests, we've got you covered!

*The age recommendations are very approximate and are a starting point only, children's vocabularies, comprehension, and interests will vary widely.


The importance of Parent-Child bonding