Brain Cancer Awareness

May is Brain Cancer Awareness Month to raise awareness about brain cancer and promote education about this devastating disease. It's an opportunity to honor those affected by brain cancer, support those currently battling the disease, and raise funds for research and treatment options.

Brain cancer is a type of cancer that starts in the cells of the brain or spinal cord and can cause a wide range of symptoms, from headaches to seizures to changes in personality and behavior.

Brain cancer is a complex and devastating disease that affects thousands of people each year. While it took my uncle in 2020, my connection to brain cancer doesn’t stop there, as my mother was just diagnosed with GBM, a Glioblastoma Mutiforme that is extremely aggressive. While there is no known cure for brain cancer, there are many treatment options available that can help manage symptoms and improve quality of life. Promoting education and awareness about brain cancer is crucial so that individuals and families affected by the disease can make informed decisions about treatment options and have access to the resources they need.

There are many ways to get involved in Brain Cancer Awareness Month. One way is to participate in fundraising events that support brain cancer research and treatment, such as charity walks or runs. You can also raise awareness by sharing information about brain cancer on social media or by hosting an educational event in your community. If you or someone you know is in need of books to help explain brain cancer or cancer in general to your children, we are here to help. Some of these are the same books I use to unpack my mother’s recent diagnosis with my son.


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